Pinderfields & Pontefract
A Case Study
Maximising Medical Services at this West Yorkshire Hospital
Pinderfields and Pontefract’s £331m rebuild consisted of a complete reconfiguring of health services in the West Yorkshire community. The project has delivered a new acute inpatient centre for the whole of the Wakefield district at the Pinderfields site. The Pontefract site provides all the facilities for outpatient clinics, including day surgery, scanning and other diagnostic techniques.
Brandon Medical won a contract for the huge PFI. We have recently completed the installation of our products throughout the hospitals, including Operating Theatres, Neo-Natal wards, A&E and Critical Care Areas.
We have equipped the critical care and A&E areas with their AtlasTM Critical Care Pendants. A total of 47 pendants were installed at the head of each bed to maximise the number of patient services immediately accessible around the patient bed whilst minimising the area occupied. This is done without compromising the pendant’s loading capacity, both in terms of weight and amount of services available (gas outlets, power sockets, data points etc). This can make working much easier for clinical teams in traditionally one of the most overcrowded and cramped areas of a hospital.
21 Operating Theatres in both Pinderfields and Pontefract are equipped with Brandon Medical’s lighting and control, and power systems. Galaxy Ultra HD-LED was chosen for the project, with 28 of them being installed in the theatres. Galaxy Ultra emits the perfect cold light, eradicating excess heat during surgical procedures. Galaxy also has a high-intensity illumination of up to 160,000 and carries the advantages of HD-LED technology, such as fat beam illumination, red balance control and full spectrum colour rendition.
Brandon’s Operating Theatre control panels are also installed in the theatres. Every panel is designed to a bespoke specification and can include IPS controls, video camera controls and UCV controls. An impressive 120 Astralite HD-LED minor surgical lights and 70 Coolview Halogen Examination Lights are also used throughout the hospital.

Atlas Critical Care Pendants

Medicontrol™ iTCP Intelligent Theatre Control Panels
