Healthcare Estates 2022

SMART measures to save
i2i technology* to support the integration and delivery of healthcare in the modern hospital.
Meet our team at Stand F64 during Healthcare Estates Exhibition – we will be showcasing our awarded, innovative SMART equipment package for Group 2 medical locations.
Moving from Digital Healthcare to Smart Healthcare
In healthcare, SMART is an acronym for Self-Monitoring, Analysis and Reporting Technology. SMART devices have built-in sensors, data processing and communication capabilities that work together to create a SMART ecosystem.
Brandon Medical have a range of products specifically designed to support the integration and delivery of Smart Healthcare in the modern hospital. These range from Theatre Control Panels that interface to site-wide BMS systems. Operating Theatre lighting with remote control and remote diagnostic support. Self-reporting battery backup UPS and IPS systems. Ultra-clean ventilation Ultraclean Ventilation Operating Theatrepackages with particulate monitoring and BMS integration. Digital video capture, distribution and recording solutions that interface to patient records platforms. Multi-movement pendant systems with network and digital device connectivity and PACS computer display terminals.
Thought leadership from Brandon Medical at Healthcare Estates 2022
Brandon Medical will contribute insights at the following workshops and sessions:
A common language of design and planning for new hospitals’ acuity and system economic modelling
Graeme Hall: Interactive SEMTP Workshop 4th Oct, 3:00 – 4:00 pm, Room7
Brandon Medical continuously invest and innovate for better hospitals of the future. To learn more about the philosophies behind our thought leadership,
you can hear Graeme Hall’s insights on building an integrated health infrastructure planning framework.
Net Zero – Measuring medical device power consumption and usage: Expanding the capabilities of BMS systems by integration with the OR
Richard McAuley, 4th Oct, 10.45 – 11.15, Facilities Management Theatre
Richard McAuley will present Measuring Medical Device Energy Consumption and Usage, essential for achieving Net-zero objectives and saving energy.
If you would like to learn more about measures to save energy through SMART integration and you are at the event, please pay our team a visit at Stand F64 and let them know of your interest in attending a CPD session in the future.
[*] i2i = isolated to integrated
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