Mediclean® Ultra Clean Ventilation
Making the Invisible Visible
Why choose Mediclean® Ultra Clean Ventilation?
The latest Mediclean® UCVs improve patient safety and surgical outcomes by providing unique benefits to hospital designers, surgical staff, estates and maintenance engineers.

Complanate (celing level) UCV
Complanate means, “to make level” or “to put into a single plane” which describes perfectly how Mediclean® UCVs fit flush with the operating theatre ceiling.

Air curtain technology
Mediclean® uses a unique air curtain technology to constrain the fl ow of clean air within the clean zone and to separate it from entrainment by the surrounding “dirty air” in the rest of the room.

No Side Screens, No Coanda Air Deflectors, No Protruding Enclosure
The diffuser surface is completely flush with the suspended ceiling, without any protrusion from the UCV unit into the room. The air curtain eliminates the requirement for side screens and coanda effect air flow deflectors that would normally protrude below the ceiling.
The clear advantage is that Mediclean® does not obstruct the movement and positioning of operating lights, medical pendants or medical imaging equipment.
It is easier for Designers to design ergonomic equipment layouts, easier for staff to position equipment during surgery and damage from collisions with the UCV side screens and air deflectors is eliminated.
Mediclean® makes “the Invisible Visible”!

Continuous Particle Monitoring (CPM)
Our patented Continuous Particle Monitoring (CPM) measures airborne particles in real-time and uses simple visual alarms. Clinical staff can “see” when the air isn’t clean due to entrainment or surgical smoke and can take steps to protect themselves and their Patients. It’s impossible to see clean air with the naked eye, so CPM samples the air to accurately measure the number of particles present during surgery and displays the results as visible signals.
CPM supplements the annual UCV validation tests done in empty theatres to indicate that the UCV is working efficiently during real live operating conditions.
CPM is a Mediclean® option or available as a stand-alone system.
Automatic Optimisation of Air Quality
When particles are detected, Mediclean® CPM systems automatically increase the airflow from the UCV to quickly flush the contamination away from the safety-critical area, protecting both patients and surgical staff. The system automatically returns to normal operation when safe operating conditions are restored.

Safer for Staff
Smoke from electro-surgery is known to be hazardous. It can contain as many as 72 harmful contaminants including known carcinogens and intact viable DNA.
CPM detects harmful particles of smoke as well as dirty air. Mediclean® reacts with a visual warning of the risk to the surgical team and by increasing the airfl ow to clear the smoke away from the clean zone, protecting surgeons and staff from inhaling smoke.

Improving Patient Outcomes
When surgical staff can “see” reductions in the air cleanliness, they can adapt their working to protect the Patient. Staff can also see which activities cause loss of air cleanliness and learn to avoid them, improving their working practices to maintain cleanliness in the clean zone and reduce the risk of infection for the patient.
Data Logging
Mediclean® CPM includes data logging to record air quality during each operation. This information can be correlated with patient data and used to understand the sources of infections and drive improvements in surgical outcomes.
12 More Reasons for Selecting Mediclean®
1. Flexible Design
Mediclean® is the ultimate in flexibility and can be configured for virtually any application.
Complanate or side screen systems | Integral fan or remote fan systems | Rectangular or square units are available with sizes from 1.4m to 3.5m | With or without CPM
2. Hybrid Theatres
The complanate, single plane design and flexibility of Mediclean® UCVs makes them ideal for Hybrid theatres. Pre-engineered solutions are available for many of the leading imaging systems including those from Philips and Toshiba.
3. Low Ceiling Models
Systems are available with unit depths of only 350mm to fit into very low ceilings. We will design bespoke configurations to optimise low ceiling installations.
4. CE Marked
Mediclean® is fully CE marked in compliance with current EU Directives.
5. Noise
Standard models meet the HTM 03-01 requirements of NR50 or less. Ultra-quiet models with remote fans are also available.
6. Lower Weight Aluminium Construction
Super-light aluminium design weighs as little as 800 Kg reducing the load on building structures and building costs.
7. Lowest Energy Consumption
Energy consumption is minimised by reducing the load on the fans. Primary and re-circulated air is mixed downstream of the re-circulation fans and air resistance inside the unit is minimised using a single plenum chamber design.
8. Triple Filtered Air
Mediclean® uses “Triple Filtered Air” to prolong the life of the filters. An easy to clean mechanical lint filter doubles the life of the pre-filters which in turn protect the HEPA filters.
9. Cleanable Diffuser
Blood splashes or stains on the diffuser screen are easy to see and easily cleaned away compared to perforated mesh.
10. Anti-Reverse Airflow Dampers
In the event of power interruption, Mediclean® is designed to protect the cleanliness of the Operating Theatre by preventing any reverse air flow back through the HEPA filters and recirculation modules with anti-reverse flow dampers.
11. Installation Service
We offer a full pre-site inspection, installation and commissioning service by trained Brandon Medical engineers.
12. Independent Validation Testing
Final validation testing is carried out by an independent third party specialist, so you can be assured all units fully comply with HTM03-01.